Give a Day

Give a Day Sandylands – 26th & 27th August 2016

We need you!  Think DIY SOS and grown men crying!!! We want to make a positive change in our communities! We are looking for painters and gardeners for our projects. Could you spare a few hours or be able to donate resources to our projects!

We would like to encourage our town to give generously. We would like to encourage our town to be the change #giveadaysandylands is all about practical action.It’s too easy to talk about change and not put it into action. Be that change! We encourage you to bring hope to those around us.Whether a project is to benefit one individual in their home or hundreds at a community centre, #giveadaysandylands has the potential to impact lives!

Could you spare a few hours or indeed a whole day to bring about positive change to our community? We have identified specific projects to be completed during 26th & 27th August. Please get in touch with us if you can spare a few hours to take part in this exciting venture or you have a project to suggest to us!


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