10.00am – 12 noon, every Wednesday
Enjoy a free tea/coffee at our weekly drop in. Everyone’s welcome, why not come and relax and have a cuppa?
2pm on alternate Thursdays (except main holiday periods).
Speakers on a wide variety of subjects, followed by refreshments. £2 per meeting for all attendees.
Dates for this year are: 18th January 2024
Sandylands Seniors
We meet twice a month from 10am – noon on a Thursday morning in the church hall. We have a coffee morning with drinks and cake games such as Scrabble, Dominoes, Uno etc are available, or just come and chat. Every other meeting is followed at noon with a cooked lunch.You can come for just the lunch if you prefer. We do ask for donations to cover the cost of food and heating and cooking.(Lunch must be pre booked; email of next meetings are :-
The Worship Band is a willing group of musicians who lead the worship at All-Age worship services. If you play an instrument and would like to join in, please contact Stephen Hitchcock.
The Worship Group leads the first portion of Sunday worship with modern songs. We meet to sing together and prepare, on Thursdays at 7.30pm each fortnight. So if you love singing, come and join us. Catch us over coffee after the morning service.
Sunday Worship
We meet at 10:30am every Sunday for a time of worship.
On the 3rd Sunday of the month the whole church family stay together for a time of lively and informal praise and sharing.
On other Sundays, children and young people spend time in their own groups.
We always end our time together with refreshments! All are welcome, we’re very relaxed, come as you are.
Causeway is back
Fellowship and praise with our friends in the community with supporting needs, to come and join together to chat, pray and celebrate.